Leaders in Nutrition Service Excellence

Our robust network of Registered Dietitians is dedicated to improving employee health across Canada, the US and internationally. Through nutrition counselling, education and consulting, we unlock the power of food to transform employee wellness.

Leaders in Nutrition Service Excellence

Our robust network of Registered Dietitians is dedicated to improving employee health across Canada, the US and internationally. Through nutrition counselling, education and consulting, we unlock the power of food to transform employee wellness.

Nutrition Seminars

We bring wellness into the workplace with our dynamic nutrition seminars. These one hour onsite sessions are available in a range of topics and are customizable. We shed light on the latest nutrition trends and demystify healthy eating habits. EAP clients go home with a toolbox of new knowledge, fresh inspiration, and recipes to savour their first step on the path to wellness.

Nutrition Webinars

Our online webinar sessions make useful nutrition coaching available to all employees, no matter their location. Webinars complement and expand upon our successful onsite seminars, and save EAP clients time and money as they lower training and travel costs. Webinars are a popular and effective solution for large groups, employees in remote locations, and shift workers.

High cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, increasing health risks for over a third of North Americans while raising costs for healthcare organizations and undermining productivity. Fortunately, high cholesterol is largely preventable and treatable with the right diet and lifestyle. This session will discuss the risks of different types of fat and cholesterol, and how to lower cholesterol levels through a healthy lifestyle and balanced diet.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the causes of high cholesterol

  • Distinguish different types of cholesterol and fat

  • Adjust their diets to lower cholesterol levels and associated risks

  • Discover super foods that lower cholesterol

Eleven million Canadians are living with diabetes or pre-diabetes. And every three minutes, another Canadian is diagnosed. 90% of people living with diabetes have type 2. The good news is type 2 diabetes is not only preventable but can also be reversible when detected and managed early. This session will teach participants about the important role of nutrition in managing and possibly reversing diabetes.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand the importance of diet lifestyle modification

  • Learn which food choices can impact diabetes prevention and reversal

  • Discover dietary strategies to regulate blood sugar, and reduce or avoid medication

Healthy eating can make a positive impact on your overall health. With the results of new scientific studies constantly being released and sometimes conflicting with each other, knowing which foods to consume and in what quantities can be quite challenging. This session will discuss Canada?s Guidelines for Healthy Eating to help participants reduce their chances of developing this disease.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Know your risks

  • Identify Canada?s 5 Guidelines to Healthy Eating

  • Discover some Superfoods for Healthy Weight

Stress is a common workplace challenge that can have an impact on mental and physical wellbeing. Eating habits play a significant role in helping the body combat stress, yet as stress mounts, even healthy employees can see their eating habits deteriorate. In this session, participants will learn how the right foods can bolster energy levels, immune defences, and mental clarity. They will also explore what they can do to maintain a balanced diet that promotes a stress-free lifestyle.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Identify the physical effects of stress

  • Understand the Glycemic Index and the link between food and stress

  • Learn about vitamins & minerals to boost the immune system and brain function

  • Discover superfoods for the brain

It can be a challenge to maintain healthy eating habits with the irregular or late night work schedules that are common with shift work. With unusual working and sleeping patterns, what and when to eat can become a real dilemma. This session will teach participants how shift work can affect their body, and what they need to do to maintain healthy and regular eating habits.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Cope with the dietary challenges of shift work

  • Determine what and when to eat for shift work

  • Be prepared with around-the-clock snacks

Striking the right balance of healthy foods can boost energy, concentration and productivity while warding off irritability and mood swings. Participants will learn how to create healthy plates and choose the right combination of foods to keep stress levels in check, and optimize their health, energy and performance at work.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand the relationship between stress, diet, and performance

  • Strike the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and fat for optimal energy

  • Choose the right drinks and snacks for prolonged energy and concentration

Everyday food choices can have an important impact on long-term health. This session will show participants how a healthy diet can make a difference and be one of their best defences against cancer. They?ll learn about the real dietary risks and discover some cancer fighting super foods.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand cancer risk and dietary factors

  • Decrease the risk of cancer

  • Plan a healthy diet

  • Identify cancer fighting superfoods

It can be difficult to sit down for a healthy meal in today?s hectic environment. With busy schedules, long work hours, and competing priorities, eating on-the-run becomes more and more common place. However, with a few simple tips, eating healthy is possible, even on a tight schedule. This session will motivate even the busiest participants to optimize their eating habits while improving their health, energy, and performance.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Plan quick meal solutions

  • Choose healthy snacks

  • Select healthier restaurant options

  • Eat healthy at home and on the road

Eating healthy as a family has multiple benefits: it promotes long-term healthy dietary habits and provides a sense of family togetherness. New research supports the importance of eating well at home and how the caregiver?s food-related motivations help promote healthy lifestyle choices. Children who eat with their families are more likely to consume fruit and vegetables, eat less saturated fat and fried foods, and consume less soda. This session will educate participants on the nutritional requirements needed for them and their families.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Achieve a balanced diet.

  • Eat healthy at home as a family.

  • Eat healthy when eating out or on-the-run.

Are you at your healthy weight? Do you even know what your healthy weight should be? More often than not, body image is dictated by social pressures; however, a real healthy body weight should be your goal. This session will teach participants what it means to be healthy and how to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand what affects their body weight.

  • Understand more about weight and body shapes.

  • Realize the risks of being overweight.

Rushed mornings, packed schedules, and pastry-filled boardroom meetings can make healthy eating at work a real challenge. Establishing healthy workplace habits can improve energy and concentration, avoid the afternoon slump, and reduce sick days. This session will help participants make healthier meal and snack choices at work, avoid mindless eating, and stay energized without relying on caffeine throughout the workday.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Plan healthy workday lunches

  • Keep healthy, well-portioned snacks handy

  • Stay energized without caffeine

  • Discover useful tools to stay on track

Much media attention has been paid nationwide to the health of individuals. Getting reliable information on heart health risk factors is essential in order to understand what they mean and how managing them can improve your health. This session will discuss the key nutritional concepts for heart health, and provide superfood selections and practical tips for living a heart healthy life.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Understand cardiovascular risk factors.

  • Know how to reduce the risk of heart disease

  • Adopt a diet for a healthy heart

  • Discover heart healthy foods.

Healthy eating starts in the supermarket. Even the best intentions to eat well are easily undermined by an unprepared, confused or hungry trip to the grocery store. In this session, participants will learn what to include on their grocery list, how to choose the best fresh and packaged foods, and how to stay organized after shopping to make healthy eating easy.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Be prepared with a healthy meal plan and healthy grocery list

  • Make healthy selections in every section of the supermarket

  • Stay on track with smart prep tips for after the supermarket

Making healthy choices can be a challenge with so many competing products on the market, all making a variety of health claims. Trying to determine the nutritional and health value of packaged products can be confusing and time consuming. This session will teach participants to read nutrition labels in order to understand a product?s nutritional value, differentiate products, and make healthier choices.

Learning objectives:
At the end of this session, participants will be able to do the following:

  • Evaluate products based on the Nutrition Facts Table

  • Understand the real meaning of nutrition and health claims

  • Compare packaged products and make healthy choices

On Site Nutrition Clinics

Transform the workplace with a nutrition intervention! NDC Nutrition at Work provides onsite nutrition clinics, offering employees the opportunity to connect with a registered dietitian one on one at work. Employees at risk are especially encouraged to access the service. These mini sessions are a springboard to get employees moving in the right direction, and can encourage employees at risk to seek the support they need.

On Site Nutrition Kiosks

Excellent as part of a health fair and popular as a stand-alone, nutrition kiosks efficiently promote wellness in the workplace. Employees can stop by as their schedule permits to chat with a registered dietitian, ask questions, and pick up some tasty tips and healthy recipes to try at home.

Get Cooking!

Many employees find it challenging to cook fresh, nutritious and exciting meals after a hard day at work. Our Get Cooking! demonstrations feature three easy to prepare dishes, a selection of fresh seasonal ingredients, and healthy cooking and eating tips. Employees discover just how easy and fun it can be to cook nutritious and appetizing dishes. These cooking demos refresh their knowledge of nutrition and the importance of food portions, proportions, and variety. Employees go home with new skills and delicious recipes to enjoy healthy home-made meals. Cooking and eating can be a very social, joyful activity. Get Cooking! gets employees to engage with each other in a fresh way as they also build a food connection and support network.

Healthy, Vibrant Employees